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Using Windows Vista to upload

You can use Windows Vista Network Places as your FTP Client. This tutorial will show you how to connect to your Web Hosting account via FTP using the Internet Explorer browser.

Windows Vista comes with a network manager that you can use as an FTP client. You use an FTP client to transfer your Website from your local computer to your hosting account. This transfer is often referred to as uploading.

Getting your FTP settings

You will need to have your FTP settings on hand in order to use Windows Vista Network Places to upload your Website. This is the FTP information you will need in order to use an FTP client:

Hostname ftp.domain.com
Username Hosting Username
Password Hosting Password
Port 21
Start Directory Leave the box blank or enter a single forward slash (/).

Creating a Windows Vista Network Place

Once you create a network place for your Website, you can access your Website folders in the same way you access any of your folders in Windows.

Step 1. In Windows Vista, select Start > Computer.

Step 2. Under the Hard Disk Drives panel, right click.

Step 3. From the pop-up menu, click Add a Network Location.

Step 4. Click Next.

Step 5. Select Choose a custom network location and click Next.

Step 6. Enter the address of your FTP hostname. For example, ftp://www.yourdomainnamehere.com/. Click Next.

Step 7. Make sure that the Log on anonymously option is not selected. Enter your FTP username. Click Next.

Step 8. Enter a name for the network place you are creating and click Next.

Step 9. Click Finish.


After you click Finish, your network place opens in a new window, and the Log On As window displays. Enter your FTP password and click Log On. You can open your network place at any time by selecting Start > Network and clicking on your domain name.


Transferring Files to Your Website

To transfer your files on your computer to your Website, simply copy the files you want to upload and paste them into your network place directory. You can move files back in forth in the same way that you move files around in Windows Explorer.

When you are finished uploading your files, check your Website in your favorite browser to make sure that your files uploaded correctly.

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