
Knowledge Base

How To Post Content on Top4

Posting content about your products or services on Top4 can help you attract the right audience to your website, engage with them, and work towards making them your potential customers.

Learn how to post content on Top4 by following these steps below:

  1. Access your Top4 Account.
  2. On the left-side menu, click Posts then the Add Post option.

  3. On the Add New Post section, provide the corresponding information to the following:
    Headline This is the title of the post. Try to make it creative to pique the reader's interest.
    Article Author This can be you or another person who created the post.
    Phone This is your landline or mobile contact information.
    Email This is where the reader can contact you aside from the phone.
    Author URL This can be a link to your personal website or blog.
    Publication Date This is the time and date when the post was published.
    Image This is a visual presentation or photo related to the post.
    Category This is the category under which the post is listed.
    Sub-category This is a tag that is more specific to the product listing.
    Related Listing This is another post which is relevant and can be linked to the post you are creating.
    Youtube URL This is a link to a supplementary video for the post.
    Abstract This is a brief description of the content of the post.
    Content This is where all the main article goes.
    Keywords This is where you specify words that viewers can use to trace or find your post.

  4. Click the Submit button. It will redirect you to the Manage Your Post page.


On this page, you can Preview, Bump up, Edit or even put the post on a Pause status. This is also where you can Post a new content for your other products or services.

There are many factors to be considered to make sure your business is seen online. Follow this guide to learn helpful tips on filling out your business information using Top4 to boost your business listing.

For questions or assistance regarding posting content on Top4 or the Top4 service in general, please contact our support team.

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