
Knowledge Base

How To Lock and Unlock Sidebar in Website Builder

The Sidebar, or the left-side menu in your Website Builder Editor, is Locked in place by default. This is to allow quick access to all the editor's Features, Blocks, and other Settings.

If you need more space to work with in building your website, you can easily Unlock the Sidebar to hide it. While hidden, you can still View the Sidebar and all its options by simply hovering your mouse pointer over the left side of your Website Builder Editor.

To Unlock (and Lock) the Sidebar in your Website Builder Editor, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click Sign Up / Log In at the top of this page.
  2. Select Account Manager from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter your username and password then, click Log In.
  4. Click the Visit My Account button.
  5. Click Website Builder from the menu at the top of the page.
  6. Click on the Website Builder plan that you wish to manage.
    If you only have one Website Builder plan, you will automatically be redirected to its management page.
  7. Hover your mouse pointer over the [+] Icon at the upper right-hand section of the page and click Build Now.
  8. On the Sites page of your Website Builder Dashboard, hover your mouse pointer over the project/website that you would like to customise and click EDIT.
  9. Click on the Unlock Sidebar Icon at the bottom of the left-side menu on your Website Builder Editor.
    Once unlocked, your Sidebar will disappear giving you more space to work with.

    Note: To Lock the left-side menu back in place, hover your mouse pointer over the left side of your Website Builder Editor, then click on the Lock Sidebar Icon at the bottom of the menu that appears.

Congratulations! You just learned how to Lock and Unlock the Sidebar in Website Builder.

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