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Cloud Backup

Secure your files, photos and more with Cloud Backup.

Backup UNLIMITED PCs, MACs and all devices with only One Account

Our cloud backup service will automatically protect all your PCs, Macs, iPhones, iPads, Android devices and Facebook pictures into your unlimited One account.

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Backup made simple and affordable

Unlimited Backups

Unlimited Backups

Set automated backup on all your devices quickly with few clicks or touches, and enjoy uninterrupted, fast and continual backup.

Access Anywhere

Access Anywhere

Manage all your backup files remotely through our easy-to-use web console from any mobile device.

One-click Recovery

One-click Recovery

With one click, you can restore one file or multiple files. You can also recover your full system to the original machine or a completely new setup.

Cloud Backup
Fast, Secure, Flexible

  • Instant backups

    Your files and folders or entire PC and Mac will be automatically backed up in real-time across all the devices that you link using Backup Tool.

  • Full recovery

    Create an exact clone of your system, and application data in one step. Restore when needed to any new computer, the same hardware, or dissimilar hardware.

  • Secure and private

    Your files are transferred and stored with 256-bit AES encryption with a user-defined key that is not stored anywhere on the servers.

  • Fast restore

    Restore your backup files instantly to any computer, or restore your entire PC and Mac with just a few clicks.

  • Retrieve data

    Recover your files from any location to any computer or mobile device with one click. Restore one or multiple files or do a full system restore if necessary.

  • Remote file access

    Login using our web-based console or mobile app and manage your backup files, restores, application settings and more, anywhere you go.

  • Real time backup

    Automatically detects the modified parts of all files and backs them up in real-time without interrupting any workflows.

  • Easy to setup

    It's easy to setup and schedule automatic backups, simply install the smart wizard, adjust your settings and it will stay silent and continuous when its working in the background.

How does online backup work?


Install the backup Tool or App and configure quickly with few clicks or touches.


Your files will be backed up automatically to the cloud, offsite storage, computer.


With your files safely stored in the cloud, you can get them back anytime.


Anytime access to your files from any internet-connected computer or mobile device.

Your Questions, Our Answers

What is Cloud Backup?

In an increasingly technology-driven world, business and personal day-to-day activities need computers or laptops to accomplish desk tasks efficiently and conveniently.

Today, you can use cloud backup to store, transfer, review, and recover your files anytime, anywhere. Let’s have an in-depth understanding on this. Cloud backup is a term used for modern day approach of storing computer data. This is responsible for keeping data accessible, securing all sources and types of corporate data, and protecting data duplication. The information you keep can be stored in a digital environment and can be accessed over the internet. Typically, this data is disseminated to multiple servers so in case one server crashes, your files are still safe.

Compared to CD-ROM that has the risk of getting lost or becoming idle, this digital system will aid you to protect your files in a maximum security. Besides, you can also access your data using any device connected to the internet such as mobile, laptop, tablet, Mac, and more. Whether you want a minimum of 15GB until a maximum of 1tb online backup, you can get any plan you want.

What are Cloud Backup solutions for?

Easier data access

Cloud Backup solutions allow businesses and individuals to backup and restore data through an online provider using the internet. Whether you are always an on-the-go individual, businessman with independent workforce, or an organiser of events to remote areas, an online backup is instantaneously ideal for you. You don’t need to carry hard drives and physical disks along with you because using an eligible log in, this online data system will always be accessible for you.

Protection and reliability

Aside from convenience, online backup secures the safety of your files or popularly called as off-site data copies in case involuntary catastrophes occur in your workplace such as fire, earthquake, flood, etc. In case these disasters destroy the physical properties in your office, you are still assured that most fundamental data is stored digitally and you can still reach it.

Restore files anytime

Besides disasters, the presence of identity theft is distressing. With this, files and necessary data need maximum protection and security. Using reliable online backup services, you can hide and store private files to any location you want. You can also minimise the information you want to show to public and control its visibility to authorised personnel only. And in case you mistakenly deleted files you might need in the future, you can restore the data anytime soon.

Unlimited data facility

With the help of a speedy internet connection, you can backup not just specific data but all immediate files you want by just using a web browser. On the other hand, some cases require the installation of backup software before you can fully access the service provider.

But, no need to fret because files will immediately be backed up and changes are automatically saved regardless of any procedure you will come across to start using the package.

How Cloud Backup Service works?

Simplifies data management complexity

Protecting data is more complex these days, becoming a particular challenge for small to medium businesses. Best cloud backup want to help you translate this complexity into confidence and control so that the data you protect remains stabilized through state-of-the art cloud hosting technology.

The cloud backup is smooth, flexible and easy. With the power of internet networks, a few mouse clicks, knowledgeable web navigation, and reliable cloud hosting software, the entire file you’ve been worrying where to keep will be kept in a more dependable and modernised filing system. You can also get constant monitoring for cheap, ideal for small to medium businesses who cannot pour out big investments for backup packages. Plus, you can sync and update your data real-time across multiple devices.

Time-saving backup and best recovery process

Whether you want to obtain files from your office to work on at home, or restore the data you’ve erroneously removed, you can do it quickly with your backup to cloud. The ultimate goal why cloud backup is created in the first place is to have an option in case of the nightmare of data-loss attacks. Specifically for businesses that operate using an online hodgepodge of personal information and confidential data, this software is certainly Heaven sent.

Strong security in competitive price

Data is identified as the most valuable asset of any company or business. Nowadays, a comprehensive information is too powerful that it can either be a tool for success or an instrument of failure. As several types of data become highly critical, high profile hacks are also challenging the effectivity of every cloud system provider which claim that they are the best online backup providers.

Regardless of whatever cloud backup providers you choose, you can have plenty of choices on how to protect your data. You can store it personally, publicly, or privately in your website. Each option has a corresponding feature that will allow you to customise your files. And the most interesting part is, you don’t need to spend much whether you want to upgrade from 15GB to 1TB.

Solution for confidential needs

Although there’s nothing wrong with the traditional way of storing files, the modernised version called cloud backup works efficiently and way faster. The influence of internet allows you to watch videos and upload images online, store files through computer, laptop, smartphones and other internet-connected devices.

As a result, people nowadays are always looking for two qualities: convenience and reliability. In comparison with external hard drive and disks, this technology-driven backup is indeed a much better option.

What are expectations from FREE Cloud Backup?

Backup and data restoration

From the name alone, you can get the idea that free cloud backup allows you an online trial to discover how the system works without paying a single penny. It allows you to use the basics, explore the features and discover the capacity of the software.

A particularly popular example is Google drive. This backup is simple, easy and reliable. You can create spreadsheets and create folders for your documents. Sharing document files from this site is instant, making it the best for anyone who’s working on a task collaboration with several members.

Limited data space

Since it’s a free backup, you cannot enjoy the maximum data space amount that other cloud backup services can provide. However, if you think that you need more, you can choose premium offers and use a maximum size that will match your budget. Google drive for example has a minimum of 15GB only but is expandable to any size that will match your needs.

Understand its benefits

The ultimate goal of cloud backup software is to be a savior in times of system meltdown or data loss. Certainly, this will make the digital exchange of information convenient to maintain, transfer and restore.

The opportunity of a freebie will help you understand the main reason why you need to purchase an upgraded version of this cloud backup. Once you get to know the efficiency of the system, it will clear some hesitations in your mind and determine the level of its importance to your business or company.

Estimate efficiency and costs

Jumping on an opportunity of free cloud backup will greatly assist in the budget estimation before you finally decide to set up your own. Take, for example, if you have increasing tasks from documents to photos and the 15GB of your Google drive is no longer sufficient, then you probably need a cloud backup upgrade with enough pricing idea on how much will you allocate for it.

What are the types of cloud storage?


Personal online backup storage is one of the most popular. It is designed for personal use, mostly for individuals with minimal data management needs. It also syncs from one device to another. It is mostly offered with standardised features and unlimited upgrade offers as well.


Businesses and organisations mostly prefer this particular online backup. Compared to personal backup, private backups require maximum security. It is also more customised and standardised to adjust to the significant needs of the business or organisation. It has also restrictions so only authorised personnel can have data access.


Public online backup is designed for as what the name says, public. It doesn’t require extreme security and can be accessed by anyone with a Cloud user login. This is perfect for any individual who doesn’t want to constantly maintain administrative controls and sustain the system.


Hybrid is the solution if you want to have both public and private cloud-based backup security. This is perhaps the most convenient among all other types of online backups. You can customise features and maintain control of internal applications and resources that you need most. Anytime, you can switch from public to private line or private to public depending on your own convenience. This way, you can keep the most confidential data in private and authorise only a handful trustworthy individuals to access it.